
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dad's Boob Hat

I made my mother a hat with owls. My father wanted a hat too, so I asked him what kind of hat he wanted. If you know my father, his answer won't surprise you.

It's a boob. Like the cute little beanies that nursing babies wear- only sized for an adult man. Yeah, that's not weird at all. With the resizing it is quite the boob, too. In fact it is frighteningly large.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

New Hair Accessories

 I've been experimenting with a few new designs for stylish hair do-dads. In the picture above, you can see the snap clip variety. I love these because the leaf covers the silver snap clip.

I've also been working on some more barrettes- and I think these cables are just the right side. The single color keeps it simple, while the cable adds depth. I'm looking forward to working up some more in different colors and patterns.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Box for Bookmarks!

I decorated this cigar box for the bookmarks I made.

I think I might be equally excited about the box as about what is inside...

I ordered the photo corners from amazon, and I think they help pull the inside together.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Alan's Robot

My friend Alan loves robots. I promised him ages ago that I would make him a robot, and I finally came through. Here's Alan's robot. 

I used buttons for his eyes, the "gears" on his chest, and the sides of his head. I think the little guy looks a bit overstuffed, but he is a bit rounded and cute that way. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Staunton Street Market

I have some pretty talented friends. My friends Alex and Merri reserved a table for the Staunton Street Market that happened today, in the shadow of the dedication ceremony for the Sears Hill Bridge, here in Staunton. You can see their good stuff on their Facebook page or their Etsy shop. They both knit and crochet, and make a variety of wonderful goodies. I helped them set up their book, and they kindly lent me some table real estate. 

I've been busy! Here you can see everything I've been up to recently- the bookmarks, the converted cigar boxes as well as the new hair clips I'll show you in more depth soon.

There are my business cards, and in the background, Alex and Merri's. Quite a yin/yang feeling going on there. Neither of us sold much, but it was great to see people milling around the area after so long without warm weather, and we we able to catch up as well. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mom's Owl Hat

 Last October (I know, I can be a terrible procrastinator), my mom impulse bought some Llama yarn from Swiss Kid Llamas (, at our Farmer's Market. The farmer's market is great, and I've really missed it this winter. I probably wouldn't be super enthusiastic about walking down there in the cold, but I sure do miss the fresh produce. 

Anyway, back to the yarn. My mom has these beautiful blue eyes and silver hair, so naturally everything I make for her is blue. She picked out some yarn, and wanted me to make her a hat with owls, like the sweater I'd made for myself.

Now, I love that sweater. No buts, I adore it. You can buy the pattern here: ( and if you are into that sort of thing, there's a version for the kiddos. It's made from super heavy yarn and knitted up rather quickly. That big yarn though, is HUGE  in comparison to the "DK" weight of the llama yarn, that in many places is much smaller- so I hope my mother is expecting tiny adorable owls, as that's what she's getting.

Here are a few pictures of the first few chaotic rows. In the second picture here you can see the 2X2 ribbing starting to emerge.

Here you can see the bottoms of the owls forming

As an aside, I'd like to say that point protectors should more correctly be called sanity protectors (I know, not a nice ring), because had I not discovered these amazing point protectors in my little bag of tricks, I would have ripped my hair out by now. As it is, I've lost and saved countless stitches off the ends of my new sock needles.

In these pictures, you can see the owls fully formed. I have a few more rows to finish the hat- but the owls are snug there around the rim. 

Here you can see the teeny tiny buttons I sewed on as eyes to three lucky owls in the front. I thought it would be too much to give all of the owls eyes, but the three that have them will bring attention to the others, too. 

Too much? Too little?

I was a bit worried that the hat would be too small- I even knitted a gauge swatch before hand, which I don't like doing. I think it worked out though- I wore it for a few minutes and it didn't make my head hurt- so anyone else on the planet should be able to wear it just fine. I know my mom likes long hats- but any longer and this one would get in the way of seeing clearly, so I think we're good there.

I really like the loose look to the top here. It isn't the only way obviously, and for more stylized hats neater is nicer, but this looks so comfortable.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Bow Barrette

I made an order recently to get some yarn for a hat for my father. To qualify my order for free shipping, I also chose this wonderful orange sale sock yarn. I was pretty sure I wasn't going to make socks (I only had one skien, I should be working on projects for other people...) but I couldn't resist pulling it out. I bought a set of cheap barrettes, and the decorative bit broke off of one of them. So obviously, this meant I had to make myself a hair do-dad.

Here you see most of the parts before I assembled it. I knitted a small, slim rectangle and sewing it over the barrette, with an additional layer of felt between the metal and the knitting (there were some snaggy bits, and I didn't want it to ruin the knitting, or tear a hole). I put it all together, and stitched it liberally to the barrette, I hope it will stay in place for a long while. 

Here's the final product. I really like it. While it does have a profile, it doesn't look bad from the side at all. That's my biggest pet peeve with those huge rockabilly flower hair things- they only look good head on. This bow, while being sizable, still looks pretty good from all angles.